A Mountain Bike Poker Ride to benefit the Montpelier Strong flood recovery fund.
Saturday, September 30, 2023, starting and ending at the Montpelier Recreation Fields. All proceeds support the Montpelier Strong flood recovery efforts.
What on Earth is a Mountain Bike Poker Ride?
A mountain bike ride with five checkpoints that will demand a test of participants’ art, literature, marksmanship, and/or dance skills. Each checkpoint will earn you a playing card. Best hands win best prizes. No prize for speed. It’s a ride, not a race.
Did you say Dancing Skills?
We might have. This ain’t your daddy’s M.A.M.I.L (middle aged men in lycra) kind of event. There will be five checkpoints where you’ll need to (probably) get off your bike and make something, try something, sing something, dance something. These checkpoints will be fun, fast activities that reward tomfoolery and passion. Rumor has it there might even be prizes for good checkpoint performance. Keep an eye on MAMBA social media for clues. Half the fun of this is the surprise, so we better not say much more right now.
The Course
- 10-ish miles, all within the North Branch Trail Network in Montpelier, VT.
- This course tours the finest singletrack and scenery we have to offer ‘round these parts. A mountain bike will be the best tool for the job unless your gravel bike likes flow trails and chunky techy roots and rocks. All riders should be self-sufficient – there is no sag wagon here. Be able to fix a flat or minor mechanical.
- The course will be marked.
The Day
- Riders will be treated to a tour of some of Montpelier’s scenic trails and a sample of local tomfoolery. Come ride as hard or easy as you like, just have fun. Ticket price includes lunch on ride day, and memories made while collecting poker cards among ferns and maples. Prizes from Onion River Outdoors and other sweet outdoors brands will be awarded to those with the best poker hands.
- More details regarding prizes, food, and drink to come, but rest assured, you will be fed and watered.
- Ride starts at 10 am.
- All riders must make cutoff by 1 pm, awards ceremony at 2:30 pm, and go home to tell the stories anytime after 3:30.
Getting Here
There are only a few parking spaces by the Montpelier Recreation Fields at the base of North Branch Trails, so please only use this space for drop off and pick up, if at all. We’ve made arrangements for this event to utilize the Community College of Vermont Parking lot located just up the road at 660 Elm Street. Park there, ride the 1000’ back towards the Tennis Courts, and we’ll get this party started!
Want to volunteer? Got a question for us? Contact info@bikemamba.org