Get Involved
Trail Volunteer Days
MAMBA frequently hosts trail work events, and everyone is welcome (and encouraged) to join in. Stay updated with our announcements by following us on our social media channels.
MAMBA Newsletter
The MAMBA Email list uses MailChimp. Emails tend to be fairly infrequent, with flurries of activity at the start of the season and in advance of events. We use the list to alert trail condition alerts, schedule trail work days, and for members to find riding partners. More current information can be found on the MAMBA Facebook page.
If you have any problems with the list subscription, please contact nolanlvt@gmail.com.
Join the Montpelier Area Mountain Bike Association
- Your MAMBA membership now includes VMBA membership and a VMBA coupon punch-card!
- Your membership dues help create more quality trails for you to ride!
- Having a strong local mountain biking organization gives us a greater voice in issues important to bikers.
- A full list of the new membership benefits can be viewed here: https://vmba.org/memberbenefits-2/
If you join MAMBA, your contribution of $55 for an individual or $110 for a family (up to 4 members) is used for:
- Creating a sustainable structure locally and at the state level (VMBA) for the development and promotion of mountain biking in Vermont
- The VMBA Trail Grant program: http://vmba.org/chapter-trail-grant/
- Trail construction and maintenance. This is where the vast majority of the $$ goes. We’ve now purchased nearly $1,000 worth of trail tools, several hundred dollars worth of lumber and materials, and a couple hundred worth of trail markers to post at Irish Hill and Morse Farm. We also spend about $15-20 each trail work day on food and drink for volunteers. All of this comes together to make more miles of sweet, legal trails in the area.
- VMBA chapter dues. VMBA supports mountain biking on a broad scale, including interaction with the State and Feds to lobby for MTB-friendly policies. When you become a MAMBA member, you enjoy all the benefits of becoming a VMBA chapter member!
- This MAMBA website
- Liability insurance coverage for MAMBA and officers (sad, but necessary).